- Hospitality is an $44.6 BILLION industry in Michigan, with 450,000+ jobs.
- 7 OF THE FASTEST GROWING JOBS in Michigan are hospitality-based.
- Hospitality offers LUCRATIVE, FULLTIME CAREERS with opportunities statewide and nationwide.
What is the Michigan Hospitality Foundation (MHF)?
MHF prepares and trains students in hospitality to drive positive economic growth in the state of Michigan. The organization has two key educational programs to propel young talent into rewarding hospitality careers: Hospitality & Tourism Management (HTM) and ProStart.
HTM benefits for students:
HTM benefits for schools:
What is ProStart?
ProStart is the most comprehensive career and technical education culinary program in the country. The two-year high school program unites classroom and industry, preparing students for careers in restaurants and food service. It connects them to rewarding scholarship, apprenticeship and networking opportunities for successful advancement into the industry upon graduation.
Talk to us and get the chance to win a free set of books for your classroom.
Want to learn about implementing ProStart and HTM in your school? Fill out this form and we’ll contact you to talk one on one. After our talk, you’ll be entered to win a free set of HTM curriculum books for your classroom.